how to create a website that makes money

how to create a website that makes money

Every year, thousands of entrepreneurs launch websites that never make any money. These sites have the best of intentions, but their creators simply don’t know how to make the website profitable once it launches. It’s important to understand your site’s revenue model and what you can do to make it profitable before you put in the work to create it in the first place! Here are five simple steps you can follow to learn how to create a website that makes money today!

How do I start making money?
If you’re looking for how to make money from home, there are two things you need. One is an idea of what you want to offer. The other is ways to get clients. Let’s take these one at a time... You can use your expertise, whether it be in finance, programming or social media management. If you don’t have an expert skill set yet, think about building out an information product like an e-book or online course—these are popular items customers will buy regularly if they are genuinely helpful and not just cheap info products which aren’t worth anything more than $10.
If you’re looking for ways to get clients, your best bet is going online. There are lots of platforms where people pay others for services and products. A few examples are Fiverr and Odesk. These aren’t guaranteed to generate tons of work, but they do provide access to new customers you wouldn’t otherwise have. If you offer services or products which help other people with an important life change—like being debt-free or getting healthier—you can use an affiliate marketing site like Clickbank or Affiliate Summit as a place where your target audience will congregate. Affiliate Summit is geared more towards digital products, while Clickbank tends towards physical goods.

My website looks awful! What can I do?
Building a professional-looking website can be daunting, especially if you're just starting out. With so many web design templates available for purchase, it's tempting to simply buy one and be done with it; however, that approach can backfire. If your site looks too cookie-cutter (i.e., if other people's websites look like yours), you'll struggle to stand out and rank high in search engines—and ultimately make less money. Instead of rushing into things or purchasing off-the-shelf software, do some research on what goes into good web design and follow best practices as you build your site. Ask yourself: What purpose does my site serve? How will I make sure people find it online?
 Does your website have an About page? Are you sure about what your business does? Do you have contact information, such as an email address or phone number? Is your site designed to look good on mobile devices as well as on desktop computers? If you can answer yes to these questions, then you're already well on your way toward creating a professional-looking site. However, if it's lacking in any of these areas (or has other design flaws), now is the time for improvement.

Where do I host my site?
You have many options for where you can host your site, and it really depends on your budget. You can go as cheap as $3 per month, or as expensive as hundreds of dollars per month. Many hosting providers offer special pricing if you purchase multiple years at once, so shop around and compare prices. I’ve had great experiences with hosting providers such as HostGator , Bluehost , DreamHost , and SiteGround . The right option for you will depend on what type of site you’re creating (WordPress vs static HTML) and how large it is (how many pages does it have?). These things directly correlate with your monthly costs, so be sure to plan accordingly!

Choosing a theme, designing it and customizing your site

Sites like WordPress and Squarespace make it easy to set up your own site, so don’t let technology get in your way. While there is an element of designing or coding involved in customizing your site, you should be able to do it without much effort as long as you have some knowledge of how websites work. Once you get over that learning curve, you can easily customize your sites with wordpress or squarespace. Sites like these make it really easy for anyone with basic computer skills.

Getting more traffic to your site

If you don’t have traffic, then it doesn’t matter how many people visit your site. You need traffic if you want to make money from your site. So how do you get more visitors? The best way is by driving them in from other sites, such as social media or news outlets. Find out what these sites want and give it to them – usually, they want a new angle on something trending. You can also put ads on your site, or link up with affiliate programs like Amazon or iTunes so every time someone clicks through one of their links and buys something, you get paid.

How do I make sure people buy my products/services?

Before you create a product or service, make sure people want it. If you’re starting your own freelance business, for example, do market research first. Find out how much other people are charging for similar services, and how successful they are at selling them. You should be able to answer these questions: Why would someone want my products or services? How much would they pay? Can I make money from selling my products/services? How much could I earn? To sell your products or services on your site, you’ll need to choose between affiliate marketing and selling directly through an e-commerce store.

How much can I expect to make with my site?

There are many, many factors in play here. If you have an established site with a lot of traffic and high-quality content, then you can expect to make over $1,000 per month in passive income (money you make without doing any work). That’s definitely possible if your site is popular. But if you’re just starting out or your site has low traffic, then it’s probably not reasonable for you to expect more than about $300/month at first. Then again, people who know what they’re doing might be able to generate a few hundred dollars per month very quickly by monetizing their sites properly and putting in some serious optimization effort.
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